You own table DEPARTMENTS, referenced by views, indexes, and synonyms. Examine this command which executes successfully: DROP TABLE departments PURGE; Which three statements are true? A) Neither can i ...
You own table DEPARTMENTS, referenced by views, indexes, and synonyms. Examine this command which executes successfully: DROP TABLE departments PURGE; Which three statements are true? A) Neither can i ...
You execute these commands successfully: CREATE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE invoices _ gtt ( customer id INTEGER, invoice_ total NUMBER (10, 2) ) ON COMMIT PRESERVE ROWS; INSERT INTO invoices_ gtt VALUES ( ...
Which two statements are true about an Oracle database? A) A table can have multiple primary keys. B) A table can have multiple foreign keys. C) A NUMBER column without data has a zero value. D) A co ...
Which statement will return the last sequence number generated by the EMP_ SEQ sequence? A SELECT NEXTVAL FROM emp_ seq; B SELECT CURRVAL FROM emp_ seq; C SELECT emp_ seq. CURRVAL FROM DUAL; D SELECT ...
前言:为了更有效、快速得到问题的答案,提问的技巧是我们必须掌握的一门艺术。 1、提问前:先在论坛搜索框中输入你要提问的问题(或关键词),确认之前没有其他人问过同样的问题并得到了解答。如果有,可以参考一 ...
职业没有高低,只是熟悉的哥们,搭配上这么一套操作流程和行头,画面感极强,毫无违和感。 平时说话 ,就是一副没有灵魂的样子。。。 我只是一部没有情感的衫裤机器。。。 ...
Which two statements are true about * _ TABLES views? A You must have SELECT privileges on a table to view it in ALL _TABLES. B You must have SELECT privileges on a table to view it in DBA TABLES. C ...
.The SYSDATE function displays the current Oracle Server date as: 21 -MAY-19 You wish to display the date as: MONDAY, 21 MAY, 201 9 Which statement will do this? A) SELECT TO _ CHAR (SYSDATE, ' FMDAY, ...