Oracle Clusterware (GI or CRS) Related Abbreviations, Acronyms and Procedures 转到底部修改时间:2012-2-27类型:REFERENCE状态:PUBLISHED优先级:3注释 (0)
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Oracle Clusterware (GI or CRS) Related Abbreviations, Acronyms and Procedures
Applies to:Oracle Server - Enterprise Edition - Version: and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.
PurposeThis note lists commonly used Oracle Clusterware (Cluster Ready Service or Grid Infrastructure) Related abbreviations, acronyms, terms and Procedures.
Oracle Clusterware (GI or CRS) Related Abbreviations, Acronyms and Procedures
nodename: short hostname for local node. For example, racnode1 for node
CRS: Cluster Ready Service, name for pre-11gR2 Oracle clusterware
GI: Grid Infrastructure, name for 11gR2 Oracle clusterware
GI cluster: Grid Infrastructure in cluster mode
Oracle Restart: GI Standalone, Grid Infrastructure in standalone mode
ASM user: the OS user who installs/owns ASM. For 11gR2, ASM and grid user is the same as ASM and GI share the same ORACLE_HOME. For pre-11gR2 CRS cluster, ASM and CRS user can be different as ASM and CRS will be in different ORACLE_HOME. For pre-11gR2 single-instance ASM, ASM and local CRS user is the same as ASM and local CRS share the same home.
CRS user: the OS user who installs/owns pre-11gR2 Oracle clusterware
grid user: the OS user who installs/owns 11gR2 Oracle clusterware
clusterware user: CRS or grid user which must be the same in upgrade environment
Oracle Clusterware software owner: same as clusterware user
clusterware home: CRS or GI home
ORACLE_BASE: ORACLE_BASE for grid or CRS user.
OCR: Oracle Cluster Registry. To find out OCR location, execute: ocrcheck
VD: Voting Disk. To find out voting file location, execute: crsctl query css votedisk
Automatic OCR Backup: OCR is backed up automatically every four hours in cluster environment on OCR Master node, the default location is <clusterware-home>/cdata/<clustername>. To find out backup location, execute: ocrconfig -showbackup
SCR Base: the directory where ocr.loc and olr.loc are located.
Linux: /etc/oracle
Solaris: /var/opt/oracle
hp-ux: /var/opt/oracle
AIX: /etc/oracle
INITD Location: the directory where ohasd and init.ohasd are located.
Linux: /etc/init.d
Solaris: /etc/init.d
hp-ux: /sbin/init.d
AIX: /etc
oratab Location: the directory where oratab is located.
Linux: /etc
Solaris: /var/opt/oracle
hp-ux: /etc
AIX: /etc
CIL: Central Inventory Location. The location is defined by parameter inventory_loc in /etc/oraInst.loc or /var/opt/oracle/oraInst.loc depend on platform.
Example on Linux:
cat /etc/oraInst.loc | grep inventory_loc
Disable CRS/GI: To disable clusterware from auto startup when node reboots, as root execute "crsctl disable crs". Replace it with "crsctl stop has" for Oracle Restart.
DG Compatible: ASM Disk Group's compatible.asm setting. To store OCR/VD on ASM, the compatible setting must be at least, but on the other hand lower GI version won't work with higher compatible setting. For example, GI will have issue to access a DG if compatible.asm is set to When downgrading from higher GI version to lower GI version, if DG for OCR/VD has higher compatible, OCR/VD relocation to lower compatible setting is necessary.
To find out compatible setting, log on to ASM and query:
SQL> select name||' => '||compatibility from v$asm_diskgroup where name='GI';
GI =>
In above example, GI is the name of the interested disk group.
To relocate OCR from higher compatible DG to lower one:
ocrconfig -add <diskgroup>
ocrconfig -delete <disk group>
To relocate VD from higher compatible DG to lower one:
crsctl replace votedisk <diskgroup>
When upgrading Oracle Clusterware:
OLD_HOME: pre-upgrade Oracle clusterware home - the home where existing clusterware is running off. For Oracle Restart, the OLD_HOME is pre-upgrade ASM home.
OLD_VERSION: pre-upgrade Oracle clusterware version.
NEW_HOME: new Oracle clusterware home.
NEW_VERSION: new Oracle clusterware version.
OCR Node: The node where backs up pre-upgrade OCR to $NEW_HOME/cdata/ocr$OLD_VERSION. In most case it's first node where was executed.
Example when upgrading from to, after execution of
ls -l $NEW_HOME/cdata/ocr*
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 78220 Feb 16 10:21 /ocw/b202/cdata/ocr11.