VMware Workstation10 + 11g rac + rhel5.9
VMware Workstation10+11g rac+rhel5.9 来安装rac环境,执行root脚本的时候报错,哪位大神有这个经验,求帮助:执行root脚本报错:
DiskGroup CRS creation failed with the following message:
ORA-15018: diskgroup cannot be created
ORA-15080: synchronous I/O operation to a disk failed
Configuration of ASM failed, see logs for details
Did not succssfully configure and start ASM
CRS-2500: Cannot stop resource 'ora.crsd' as it is not running
CRS-4000: Command Stop failed, or completed with errors.
Command return code of 1 (256) from command: /u01/app/grid/11.2.0/bin/crsctl stop resource ora.crsd -init
Stop of resource "ora.crsd -init" failed
Failed to stop CRSD
2014-06-05 06:39:01: Did not succssfully configure and start ASM
2014-06-05 06:39:01: Exiting exclusive mode
2014-06-05 06:39:01: Command return code of 1 (256) from command: /u01/app/grid/11.2.0/bin/crsctl stop resource ora.crsd -init
2014-06-05 06:39:01: Stop of resource "ora.crsd -init" failed
2014-06-05 06:39:01: Failed to stop CRSD
2014-06-05 06:39:32: Initial cluster configuration failed.See /u01/app/grid/11.2.0/cfgtoollogs/crsconfig/rootcrs_rac1.log for details 这问题支持下!:)