Rman恢复错误 求解
使用XP下用rman恢复的碰到错误,提示如下,数据库版本是oracle10g,同样的方法以前在10.2.0.1上是成功恢复的,请教这是数据版本的原因还是其他什么原因?RMAN> restore database;
使用通道 ORA_DISK_1
通道 ORA_DISK_1: 正在开始恢复数据文件备份集
通道 ORA_DISK_1: 正在指定从备份集恢复的数据文件
RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS ===============
RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
RMAN-03002: failure of restore command at 10/21/2010 15:25:21
ORA-19573: 无法获得 exclusive 入队 (数据文件 1 的)
你的oracle数据库应该是打开的,oracle的报错信息非常清楚。 Administrator 17:50:54
19573, 00000, "cannot obtain %s enqueue for datafile %s"
// *Cause:The file access enqueue could not be obtained for a file
// specified in a backup, copy or restore operation.
// If the enqueue type shown is 'shared', then the file is the
// input file for a backup or copy.If the type is 'exclusive', then
// the file is the output file for a datafile copy or restore which
// is attempting to overwrite the currently active version of that
// file - in this case, the file must be offline or the database must
// be closed.If the type is 'read-only', then you are attempting
// to back up or copy this file while the database is in NOARCHIVELOG
// mode.
// *Action: Wait until the conflicting operation is complete, then retry
// the copy or backup.If the database is in NOARCHIVELOG mode, then
// all files being backed up must be closed cleanly.
应该是数据文件处于online的状态下引起的。 学习了 经验真丰富