关于Oracle trace的一些解释性的文章
ALTER SESSION SET max_dump_file_size = unlimited;ALTER SESSION SET tracefile_identifier = 'blabla';
ALTER SESSION SET timed_statistics = true;
ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS '10046 trace name context forever, level 12';
ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS '10046 trace name context off';
exec dbms_system.ksdddt – prints out wall clock value
Parsing in cursor part
len SQL text length
dep recursive depth
uid user id calling the statement
oct oracle command type no OCI
lid user id owning the statement e.g. package
tim in 9i and above in microseconds, in < 9i in centiseconds
hv statemend id
ad library cache address assigned in V$SQL
Database calls
c CPU time consumed by process, >= 9i micro, < 9i cs
e amount of wall time that elapsed during the calll
p physical reds
cr consistent reads (may cause another reads from disk)
cu current reads (read of the current content of a block)
mis library cache miss (each causes hard parse)
r number of rows returned
dep recursive depth of cursor
og optimizer goal (1–all_rows, 2–first_rows, 3-rule, 4-choose)
tim see above
WAIT part
nam name
ela >= 9i in micro, < 9i in cs
p1, p2, p3 SELECT name, parameter1, parameter2, parameter3
FROM v$event_name
ORDER BY name;
WAITS are before database calls (PARSE, EXEC, FETCH)
BINDS part
dty data type (OCI) Here you can find actual values for it
avl length in bytes of bind variable
mxl Maximum possible length for this datatype
mal, scl, pre, oacflg, oacflg2, size, offset, bfp, bln, flg -
For explanation of these abbreviations see Metalink Note 39817.1
events 10032, 10033 for sorting, 10104 for hash joins
ROW source operations STAT (only when cursor is closed):
id unique id within STAT line set
cnt number of rows returned
pid parent id
pos whatever
obj object id of the row source op. If the op executes upon a db object
op the name of RS operation
cr consistent mode reads
r number of Oracle blocks read with OSread calls
w number of Oracle blocks write with OSread calls
tim elapsed duration in micro
parent stats include children statistics
XCTEND for commits and rollbacks
rlbk 1 – if rollback, 0 – otherwise
rd_only 1 if transaction changed no data in db
Levels 3210
0 – APPNAME, parsing in curs, PARSE, EXEC, FETCH, STAT, XCTEND
1 – nothing more
2 – binds (4)
3 – waits (8, 12)
Activating trace for another session
:sid, :serial, ‘timed_statistics’, true);
:sid, :serial, ‘max_dump_file_size’, 2147483647);
sys.dbms_system.set_ev(:sid, :serial, 10046, 12, ‘’);
sys.dbms_system.set_ev(:sid, :serial, 10046, 0, ‘’);
~10 K LIOs/sec for each 100MHz for processor
~100 PIOs/sec
High LIO count ~> 10 LIO per non aggregated row per table in FROM clause
1. Optimizing Oracle Performance by Cary Millsap and Jeffrey Holt
2. Useful Constants for the Performance Analyst by Cary Millsap, Jeff Holt, http://www.hotsos.com/e-library/abstract.php?id=4
3. Interpreting Raw SQL_TRACE and DBMS_SUPPORT.START_TRACE output, Metalink Note 39817.1
4. Information about trace by Julian Dyke http://julian.dyke.users.btopenworld.com/com/Diagnostics/Trace/Trace.html